Becoming Carbon Literate helped me

Carbon literacy trainer in United Kingdom


I'd been taking action on climate change for almost 20 years when I attended a Carbon Literacy course as a participant. I thought I knew most of what there is to know about the climate emergency and what we can do about it, but I still learnt so much.

I made pledges at the end of the course which have proved significant. Most significant for me on a personal level was joining the dots between the food I eat and my carbon footprint and starting to move towards a lower carbon diet.

I also realised I wanted to teach Carbon Literacy to other people and help them to make a difference too.

Carbon Literacy works

Carbon Literacy isn't the only way to take action on climate change, but it is one of the best. There are hundreds of different Carbon Literacy courses out there. Whilst they all adhere to the robust standards laid out by the Carbon Literacy Project, they are also all tailored to a different audience. This means that as a trainer I'm helping people and organisations work out how they can have maximum impact in their specific organisation and sector. This approach leads to really meaningful pledges that create deep cuts in emission.

It's not too late

It's really easy to think it's too late to do anything about the climate crisis and to feel despair. But it's not! 20 years ago the world was on track to be 4°C warmer than in the 1850s. We're now on track for somewhere between 2.4 and 2.9 degrees warmer. That's progress, even if it's not enough or fast enough. And every tenth of a degree of warming we can avoid, means we avoid dangerous consequences and devastating impacts. See my blog for more on why it's not too late.

I meet great people

One of the great joys of my work as a Carbon Literacy trainer is that I get to meet lots of amazing, like-minded people on the courses I deliver. I don't feel like I'm alone in tackling climate change because I know there are lots of others out there doing the same. And I have the privilege of journeying alongside them for a time.

I'm helping to create a better future

Positivity is key in Carbon Literacy courses. It's not all doom and gloom and focusing on what's going wrong. Carbon Literacy is about dreaming of and then creating a bright future that we all want to live in.


If you're thinking of becoming a Carbon Literacy trainer, then my Carbon Literacy Train the Trainer courses could be for you. Find out about my upcoming courses.